Sustainable mobility is a holistic concept that refers to forms of transportation that are environment friendly. It also focuses on creating a sustainable mobility eco-system addressing the current needs of climate change and making quality transportation options easily accessible to billions of people around the globe. A major goal of sustainable mobility is to reduce fuel consumption and car emissions to fight the alarming cause of climate change. The other goals include reducing traffic jams, reducing the number of accidents, enabling green waves, reduce C02, particular matters and much more.
Mobility is one major cause of the environmental challenges in today’s world. A very strong network of transportation channels is necessary for people to strengthen the economy and social responsibilities.
These transportation modes contribute to one-quarter of CO2 emissions, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA)! Automobiles have a significant impact on climate change due to their emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). The real challenge of Sustainable Mobility is to promote environment compatible means of transportation.
Let’s identify and discuss about some of the most efficient Environment Friendly Transportation options available today –
With the increasing focus on greener initiatives many individuals and organizations have adopted to electric vehicle fleet. What are electric vehicles? Electric Vehicles (EV) use electric motors energized by rechargeable batteries. They are the perfect eco-friendly alternative to traditional cars that use fossil fuels to run. Like any other electronic device including a smartphone, laptop or tablet, an EV can be charged by plugging into external power sources and has a total life span of 8-10 years. An EV produces about half of the carbon emissions caused by a conventional vehicle over its lifetime, making it an eco-champion.
There are different types of Electric Vehicles including battery electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles and plug in hybrid electric vehicles.
Car Subscription is a convenient mobility service through which you can drive the car of your dreams without the hassle of owning, renting, or leasing. Customers can now drive a car carefree. Thanks to car subscription services emerging across the globe. The whole process of getting access to a car has been simplified with car subscription. No hassle of paperwork as each process is digitized.
It can reduce the number of vehicles on-road by offering a shared fleet access, where multiple subscribers use the same pool of vehicles over a period. This can contribute to a more efficient use of resources.
Car subscription provides easy access to electric vehicles and the low-emission models. Customers can try out various EV options to contribute to the environment. It’s convenient to subscribe to a EV rather than buying it.
There are various public transportation options like metro, buses, water taxis, trams, ferries and much more. We need to change the mindset of urban dwellers! Transportation using private cars and vehicles should be replaced with public transport modes mentioned above from an eco-friendly perspective. This ensures that there are less number of vehicles on road which in turn reduces the emission of carbon and keeps the air fresh and pollution free. This practice also contributes to less traffic congestion on roads and is an economical option as it helps save money. Cycling, walking and e-scooters are sustainable and healthier alternatives to all other transportation models.
Car-pooling is a thoughtful act that has been practised by many city dwellers across the globe. It is when you take others along with you to the same destination. This helps reduce the number of vehicles on road, making it one of the most effective sustainable practices. It helps in increasing fuel efficiency, reducing carbon emission, eliminating air pollution and saves energy.
Another small step through which each person who drives can contribute to sustainability is by following eco-driving techniques. What are these eco-driving techniques which could have a great impact on fuel consumption and carbon emission? Accelerate gently ensure fuel efficiency. Maintain a steady speed, anticipate traffic to reduce hard breaking and avoid high speeds.
The above mentioned are some of the most prominent environment friendly transportation options practiced worldwide. These are some of the stepping stones in achieving Sustainable Mobility which is a broad concept. A lot more of lifestyle modification and incorporation of environment friendly practices along with the use of technology is needed to eliminate the environmental challenges posed by mobility.
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